Eckhart Tolle Speaks on Eliminating Stress

A classic clip with Eckhart Tolle and Oprah I felt like returning to today. Needed this reminder. Eckhart Tolle believes that the key to living a happier life is consciously accepting the present moment as if we chose it ourselves.

Moment After Moment


Image from “Only Yesterday.”

“The most important choices we make in life are not the dramatic turning points such as a change of career, the person we marry, the country we emigrate to. The most important choices in life are the thoughts and feelings we choose to entertain, moment after moment, day after day.”

– Pierre Pradervand, The Gentle Art of the Blessing

Importance of the Good


Kadoni Kinan (26), a volunteer, helps a young Syrian boy as he disembarks a boat near Scala, on the island of Lesvos, Greece.

“It is good to know that there are still people who think no evil, because they know the importance of the good they are doing. Those people grow in the eyes of men and of God. They are unafraid of envy or indifference because Love ‘thinketh no evil’, always looks on the bright side, always looks for the positive in every action.”

– Paulo Coelho, The Supreme Gift

Our Place


“Isaac was right: It is knowing our place in the universe that makes for humility, that guarantees us peace. And we are neither its glory nor its ultimacy. That puts a lot of things into a more proper perspective, doesn’t it?”

– Joan Chittister

The Desire To Bless


“It is impossible to bless and judge at the same time. So hold constantly as a deep, hallowed, intoned thought the desire to bless, for truly then shall you become a peacemaker, and one day you shall behold, everywhere, the very face of God.”

– Pierre Pradervand



Image from My Neighbor Totoro.

“To bless means to say good things. We have to bless one another constantly. Parents need to bless their children, children their parents, husbands their wives, wives their husbands, friends their friends. In our society, so full of curses, we must fill each place we enter with our blessings. We forget so quickly that we are God’s beloved children and allow the many curses of our world to darken our hearts. Therefore we have to be reminded of our belovedness and remind others of theirs. Whether the blessing is given in words or with gestures, in a solemn or an informal way, our lives need to be blessed lives.”

~ Henri Nouwen